
Mandarin And Tamil Language, Literature Not Neglected By Government

KUALA LANGAT, The government has not neglected taking into account Mandarin or Tamil as well as Chinese Literature and Tamil Literature subjects at the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysian (SPM) level for scholarship applications, especially from the Public Service Department (PSD), said MCA vice-president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

He said this in clarifying misunderstanding and confusion among the Chinese community regarding the matter following misrepresentations made by irresponsible quarters.

He said as announced by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin recently that only 10 core subjects would be taken into account in the awarding of scholarships to SPM candidates, it also included Mandarin, Tamil, Chinese Literature and Tamil Literature for arts students.

"Confusion arose when it involved students from the science stream, whereby their 10 core subjects did not include Mandarin, Tamil and literature in those languages, which were instead considered additional subjects.

They (science students) can take the subjects as long as it does not exceed the 12 subject limit, but only 10 core subjects will be looked at.

"In previous years, many students sat for 14 or 15 subjects for their SPM examinations, so we have limited it to 10 core subjects for scholarship purposes.

We are not dismissing Mandarin or Tamil, but the 10 core subjects are important (including Tamil and Mandarin)," he told a news conference after closing the 12th National Graduates Youth Leadership Camp organised by the MCA Youth Education Bureau at the Jugra national service camp in Banting, hereSunday.

Last Friday, the Cabinet agreed to allow SPM candidates to sit for two two additional subjects, bringing the total to 12, but only 10 core subjects for each stream would be taken into account for scholarship applications.

Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said the 10 core subjects remained but flexibility was given to students to opt for Mandarin or Tamil and Chinese Literature or Tamil Literature.
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