
“Ordinary Tamil people support the General”

Election heat is on the rise with all major parties declaring their Presidential hopefuls. The candidates have now begun to declare their manifestoes and promises to the people. The Nation met vociferous UNP MP Lakshman Seneviratne, in order to clarify the positions of opposition common candidate Gen. Sarath Fonseka on several vital issues
Following are excerpts:

By Vindya Amaranayake

Q: The Opposition’s common candidate has vowed to abolish the Executive Presidency. How are do you intend to amend the Constitution, in order to do that?
We are already conducting discussions in that regard. Several rounds of talks have to be conducted within the party too. Within the next few days, we are planning to inform the public on these matters. Hence, at the moment, everything is still under discussion.

Q: Is there an electoral arrangement with the JVP to contest the future elections, in the event the common candidate wins the Presidential election?
You cannot say ‘in the event he wins,’ he is definitely going to win the Presidential election. However, it is too early to talk of electoral arrangements with the JVP now. We will come to a decision about that when it is time to make that decision, not before. First, we must cross this bridge, the Presidential election, then we will discuss about future elections.

Q: The UNP and the JVP are diametrically opposed political parties, especially when it comes to Economic policy. How are you planning to reconcile these differences?
We have now got together for a common cause; to abolish the Executive Presidency. We need not confuse this objective with the Economic policy. It is an entirely different matter. It is not at all relevant at the moment. What is relevant is the task at hand – to make sure that Gen. Sarath Fonseka wins the Presidential election and then abolish the Executive Presidency.

Q: You were at the forefront, along with fellow UNPer Johnston Fernando, urging for party reforms and change of party leadership. Now you are agreeing with the decisions made by the same leader, under the same party constitution. Is there a change of heart over those matters now?
It is Sarath Fonseka who is contesting the Presidential election now. Not anyone else. We have come to an agreement over that decision. This is not the time to fight over other matters. In less than two month’s time, we have to face an election. When it is time for an election, we have to set aside other differences and make sure the party wins.

Q: Mano Ganesan, leader of one of the parties backing the common candidate, has said, if there is going to be a common Tamil speaking candidate, he will support that candidate. Will this not further reduce the minority votes?
Gen. Fonseka will definitely get the minority votes. Also, it is too early to comment about a Tamil candidate. It hasn’t happened yet. We will see about that after December 17, once the nominations are handed over. It is not necessary to talk of that before.

Q: The media has reported that the Opposition’s campaign has received considerable funds from LTTE supporters overseas. What is your response to this allegation?
This is complete nonsense. There is absolutely no truth to this claim. It’s a malicious attack against Gen. Fonseka. Besides, why in the world would the LTTE support him? He is the person who killed their leader back in May. Gen. Fonseka is the main person responsible for the defeat of the LTTE. Why would any LTTE supporter back him to become the President? This is a ridiculous claim.
However, the ordinary Tamil people support the General. They embrace him and they are ready to elect him as the next President of this country. There is no doubt about that.

Q: Gen. Fonseka has said he has no desire to become another William Gopallawa, who was the non-executive President in the Sirimavo Bandaranaike regime in 1971. In that case, what will be the powers vested to Gen. Fonseka once he abolishes the Executive Presidency?
Of course, he would not wish to become another William Gopallawa. There is a lot more he can do for this country. He is a person who has done a tremendous service to the country and wants to do more. We should not confine him to a ceremonial post.
We are still discussing about the Constitutional changes and the parameters of powers that will be vested in the Presidency. People trust him, because he has never betrayed the people. He promised to end the war, so he did. Now, he has promised to abolish the Presidency, he will do that too. The technicalities of what will happen afterwards, we will decide later.

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