
Sri Lanka Army Commander says worst-ever betrayal against the victory by former CDS

Dec 14, Colombo: The saddest and the worst-ever betrayal against the victory by the Sri Lankan security forces took place when the former military chief leveled allegations against his troops, Sri Lanka Army Commander Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya said today.

Addressing the troops gathered at the Army headquarters in Colombo for a presentation of appreciation certificates for their gallantry, the Army Commander strongly deplored the contemptuous and baseless charges against the War Heroes and urged his troops not to be shaken by such accusations.

"Instead we should feel further encouraged by such allegations. All of us should be aware of such betrayals and attentive to such remarks," he said.

Lieutenant General Jayasuriya credited the political leadership, especially the President for winning the war that eliminated terrorism and the terrorist organization from the country.

"This War dragged on for thirty years since we did not receive the correct political leadership, but we had a well-trained Army of high morale," he said adding that the President Mahinda Rajapaksa and Secretary Defence Gotabhaya Rajapaksa had the correct vision and leadership that enabled the security forces to finish terrorism in a short span of time.

"This was not a victory of one individual but a team-effort that shed tears, sweat and blood of all," he said.

The Army Chief appreciated the support from the Navy, Air Force, Sri Lanka Police, and Civil Defence Force for the support the Army received from them in achieving the victory. He also acknowledged the civil staff who shouldered day-to-day administrative responsibilities in operation and non-operation areas.

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